Posts Tagged 'scriptwriting'

Project: 2 Days Later

My friends and I are taking part in a short film making competition 2 Days Later. The idea is to make a 10 minute horror movie in 48 hours. Unlike most 48 hour challenges you get to spread your 48 hours out – though I don’t know if this will make it easier or harder.

We’ve had a bit of a chat, thrown some ideas around, and now I’m having a crack at writing a draft script. I guess the clock is ticking.

I’m interested in scriptwriting, but a lot of the ideas I’m having are visualised in very definite ways in my mind. It will be interesting and difficult to see the script translated to different images by whoever is directing and DoP’ing. I’m also finding myself thinking out low budget special effects and sound design. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to be involved in everything that interests me.

Updates as the project progresses.

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