Posts Tagged 'dan'

Projects: Decking the garden.

Next week my partner, Dan, and I are taking a week off to do some work in the garden. The garden used to be mostly bumpy grass with a path running from back door to garage door. Near to the house there’s a badly laid slab of concrete covered in gravel.

Earlier in the year we spent a couple of sunny weekends tearing up and turning over the grass. We covered the turned garden with weed proof cloths and weighed them down with gravel from near the house.

Then we left it, for over a month. But now we’re getting off our backsides and taking the time to make the garden into what we planned.

Design for our garden

The first step is to build the decking. We’ve got no chance of getting rid of the horrible concrete slab at the top of the garden, not without hiring a pneumatic drill. So we opted for a cover up job – we’re building decking on top of the concrete slab running across the back of the house, and a lower section of decking reaching into the garden.

On Wednesday the timber arrived from Travis Perkins. A lorry with a crane on top came along and lifted the timber into the garage. So we’re ready to go.

Pictures and updates as the project progresses.

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