Posts Tagged 'calliope'

New addition – Calliope

Calliope the kitten

Today we got a new kitten. Technically she’s my birthday present, but it’s been quite a few months between my birthday and kitten season. But she’s here now and her name is Calliope.

Maybe a bit of a poncy name for a cat, it certainly got a WTF-silence from the lady at the vet’s. There is a reason though. Our existing cat, a four year old ginger male, is called Artemis, originally after Artemis Fowl the notorious child genius. (Incidentally I just noticed that there’s a new Artemis Fowl book due soon – yay!) So for naming a new cat if we wanted to stay on theme we either had to go with evil child geniuses or Greek gods/goddesses.

Evil child geniuses being thin on the ground we went for the Greek theme: Calliope is chief of the muses. Hopefully this little cat will be a kind of muse to me in my writing. Or at least not a hindrance like Artemis is, with his habit of laying all over the keyboard whenever I’m working.

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